Returning Premises to Pre-Rental Conditions Including Repairs and Redecorating
Office Dilapidation in Windsor
Thinking about moving offices? Well, you need to go over your lease agreement again and figure out whether you will require dilapidation services or not. Most of the time, you find yourself in a situation where dilapidation is essential and you have to get it done based on the rules set out by your landlord. Not doing so can get you in trouble, so you want to ensure that you abide by the rules and get things done on time.
What Is Dilapidation?
Dilapidation is essentially the repairs that are required by the end of a given lease term. The tenant, when they are moving out, is required to make certain repairs to ensure that the office premise isn’t damaged and back to how it was initially. This is done because the landlord doesn’t want to incur any costs once the tenant leaves for the new occupant. The liability of doing this lies on the current tenant who’s planning an exit soon. Take a look at your contract with your landlord and see all that you’re required to do according to that.
Why Do You Need Office Dilapidation?
When it comes to dilapidation, there are a lot of reasons as to why you would need to do this. Your landlord will set out all the rules as to what needs to be done to the premise for dilapidation.
Some of the more common reasons are stated below.
To Reinstate The Property
In case you have made any alterations to the office premise, then the ideal thing would be to remove such alterations and make the property look like it did before. This is essential as the landlord will want their property to go back to looking how it did before tenancy. While this does come at a high cost, it is also essential for you to do so.
For Redecorations
Many times, you will be asked by your landlord to get things in order to redecorate the office premise. This means that you will need to at least repaint all the walls before you leave. Your landlord will expect you to have this done around 3-6 months before you plan on leaving so that they can find new tenants for their space.
To Make Repairs
You will need to make repairs in case there is any kind of damages to the premise. This cost will not be on the landlord as you are the one who’s been using the property. Your landlord will identify a list of repairs that you will need to do, so make sure you have them covered. Don’t delay these repairs as you want to ensure that the property is free from any damages before you leave.
Where To Find Office Dilapidation Services in Windsor?
If you’re in search of office dilapidation services in Windsor, then rest assured. AP Maintenance Ltd is here to help you figure out all there is when it comes to making repairs, redecoration, and reinstatement of the property you’re renting. Get in touch with our team today to find out more information.