Reactive and Proactive Repairs - AP Maintenance Ltd - Maidenhead Berkshire


Taking Care of Your Business by Doing the Jobs You Don’t Have Time to Do

Contact AP Maintenance Ltd

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01628 613760

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York House, 18 York Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1SF

Contact AP Maintenance Ltd

    How Can We Help You?

    AP Maintenance Ltd provide professional maintenance and facilities management services for the commercial sector in Berkshire and the surrounding counties.

    If your business needs help dealing with the day to day requirements of running a property or office, ranging from handyman task, janitorial work to complete office restructuring we are the business that you need to talk to.

    Get in touch today and we will contact you back as soon as we can to solve your problem.

    When Are We Open?

    Monday – Friday – 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

    Saturday and Sunday – Closed

    Property Management in Maidenhead Berkshire - AP Maintenance Ltd

    Get a quote for your facilities management
    or property maintenance today

    Call 01628 613760 Today Request a Free Estimate

    Our Services

    Building Repairs

    Building Services

    Carpentry & Joinery

    CCTV Systems


    Cleaning Services

    Door Services

    Electrical Work

    Exterior Maintenance

    Floors & Flooring

    Furniture Assembly

    General Maintenance

    Heating & Air Conditioning

    Hoarding & Fencing


    Painting & Decorating


    Property Remodelling

    Safety & Mobility
