Planned Preventative Maintenance - AP Maintenance Ltd - Maidenhead Berkshire


Taking Care of Your Business in Maidenhead, Berkshire

Planned Preventative Maintenance

PPM is an acronym that stands for Planned Preventative Maintenance. This is basically a service that focuses on maintaining the functionality and integrity of your company’s equipment and machinery.

If you own a commercial or industrial business that depends on equipment and machinery to sustain its productivity and operation, then you cannot afford to have that equipment and machinery just suddenly malfunction or stop working. It could become a giant setback for your company and cost you several thousands of pounds if you cannot get it functional again quickly.

Therefore, it is a very wise investment to seek the PPM services of AP Maintenance LTD. Our highly trained technicians will conduct routine inspections on your equipment and machinery to ensure they’re in top working order. If certain components need to be changed or replaced to sustain the functionality of the machines, then we’ll perform these tasks as necessary. 


Aside from ensuring productivity in the workplace, PPM services can ensure safety in the workplace too. Do you have fire extinguishers positioned throughout your building? If so, do you have them replaced regularly? How often do you test your fire alarms and emergency lighting? If you answered “never” or “not very often” to these questions, then you will benefit immensely from our PPM services. 

AP Maintenance LTD will send safety technicians to your building to install, replace, or test out all the safety features and mechanisms, such as the fire extinguishers, emergency lighting, and fire alarms. In fact, we’ll even test the temperature and purity of the water that comes out of the tap of your building. By testing these different areas of your building, we help preserve the health and safety of your employees and guests.

Our water tests will keep your business L8 compliant. This is a legal requirement for British businesses on how to control the spread or risk of legionella bacteria in their buildings. Legionella bacteria is the primary cause of legionnaire’s disease in people. AP Maintenance LTD is educated on the actions needed to test water properly and ensure L8 compliance.

To request our PPM services, contact the offices of AP Maintenance LTD today. You will receive a free consultation and price quote.

Some of Our PPM Services

One of the most important aspects of any business is the Health and Safety of its employees. As an employer you are ultimately responsible for well being of your staff when they are working for you.

We take care of many companies in Maidenhead and Berkshire in respect to essential Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM).  Although some of the tasks are mundane they need to be completed on a weekly or monthly basis and can be very time consuming. These tasks include but are not limited to Fire Alarm Testing, L8 – Water Temperature Testing and Emergency Lighting Testing.

Contact AP Maintenance Ltd on 01628 613760 and we will be able to save you time and money on completing these essential tasks.

Our Facilities Management Services Include:

  • Insurance damage work
  • Removing unwanted items
  • General Building Maintenance
  • Fabric / Handyman Maintenance
  • PPM Maintenance
  • HVAC – AC
  • Reactive Maintenance
  • Proactive Maintenance
  • L8 Water Testing
  • Fire Alarm Testing
  • Ceiling tiles and Carpet Tile Replacements
  • Replacing Lamps, Bulbs and Fittings
  • Replacing and Fitting Digital Door Locks
  • Replacing vinyl and carpet tiles
  • Replacing ceiling tiles and light fittings
  • Replacing emergency lights and Signage
  • Moving existing floor boxes & Network cables
  • Moving Furniture
  • Deep cleaning service
  • Office Cleaning service
  • Commercial Painting & Decorating
  • Hanging White Boards and Notice Boards
  • Fitting Window Blinds
  • Putting up Plasma screens
  • Putting up Signs and Pictures
  • Assembling and Moving Furniture
  • Plumbing Tasks
  • Electrical work
  • Fitting Window Blinds / Cut to size

Planned Preventative Maintenance: Berkshire | Buckinghamshire | Bracknell | Fleet | High Wycombe | Maidenhead | Reading | Slough | Windsor | Wokingham

Property Management in Maidenhead Berkshire - AP Maintenance Ltd

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or property maintenance today

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Our Services

Building Repairs

Building Services

Carpentry & Joinery

CCTV Systems


Cleaning Services

Door Services

Electrical Work

Exterior Maintenance

Floors & Flooring

Furniture Assembly

General Maintenance

Heating & Air Conditioning

Hoarding & Fencing


Painting & Decorating


Property Remodelling

Safety & Mobility
