Building Services - AP Maintenance Ltd - Maidenhead Berkshire


Taking Care of Multiple Properties, Projects and Homes in Maidenhead and Berkshire

Landlords and Property Developers

AP Maintenance Ltd provide a Facilities Management and Maintenance solution suitable for Landlords or Property Developers in Maidenhead, Berkshire.

We will take care of your properties, ensuring that all repair work, exterior and interior maintenance is kept up to date and your properties are looking great all the time.

We work on a job by job basis or on longer contracts where we are only ever a call away and can be at your property within 1 hour if required.

We provide emergency maintenance as and when required. AP Maintenance Ltd strives to make your life and your business run easily and simply so you can concentrate on what is important with your business and not worrying about the little things.

Call us today and let us make your life and business easier.

Our Facilities Management Services Include:

  • Insurance damage work
  • Removing unwanted items
  • General Building Maintenance
  • Fabric / Handyman Maintenance
  • PPM Maintenance
  • HVAC – AC
  • Reactive Maintenance
  • Proactive Maintenance
  • L8 Water Testing
  • Fire Alarm Testing
  • Ceiling tiles and Carpet Tile Replacements
  • Replacing Lamps, Bulbs and Fittings
  • Replacing and Fitting Digital Door Locks
  • Replacing vinyl and carpet tiles
  • Replacing ceiling tiles and light fittings
  • Replacing emergency lights and Signage
  • Moving existing floor boxes & Network cables
  • Moving Furniture
  • Deep cleaning service
  • Office Cleaning service
  • Commercial Painting & Decorating
  • Hanging White Boards and Notice Boards
  • Fitting Window Blinds
  • Putting up Plasma screens
  • Putting up Signs and Pictures
  • Assembling and Moving Furniture
  • Plumbing Tasks
  • Electrical work
  • Fitting Window Blinds / Cut to size

AP Maintenance Offer a much larger range of Facilities Management and Maintenance Services for your Property, including Re-active and Pro-active (Planned Preventative Maintenance), get in touch today to see exactly how we can help and support your local Maidenhead business.

Property Management in Maidenhead Berkshire - AP Maintenance Ltd

Get a quote for your facilities management
or property maintenance today

Call 01628 613760 Today Request a Free Estimate

Our Services

Building Repairs

Building Services

Carpentry & Joinery

CCTV Systems


Cleaning Services

Door Services

Electrical Work

Exterior Maintenance

Floors & Flooring

Furniture Assembly

General Maintenance

Heating & Air Conditioning

Hoarding & Fencing


Painting & Decorating


Property Remodelling

Safety & Mobility
