Floors and Flooring - AP Maintenance Ltd - Maidenhead Berkshire


Installation and Repair of Most Types of Flooring Including Hardwood, Laminate, Ceramic Tiles and More?

Healthcare and Hospitals Facilities Management

Within any Healthcare or Hospital you are performing work that can mean life or death for your patients. Our Facilities Management and Maintenance Services will take care of your business.

The last thing you should be worried about are the repairs needed around the property or regular maintenance that is getting in your way.

At AP Maintenance Ltd we make hiring commercial tradesmen and technicians easy and take care of everything so that you can concentrate on what you do in your business or profession.

We are here for whatever you need, whether you need furniture assembled, light bulbs changed or stucco issues around your building fixed up, we get the job done right the first time.

Give AP Maintenance Ltd a call if you need services such as the following performed:

  • Facilities Management
  • Planned Preventative Management
  • Health and Safety Reviews
  • Door Installation & Repair
  • Wall Installation & Repair
  • Safety and Mobility Alteration
  • Painting Services
  • Carpentry & Joinery
  • Furniture Assembly
  • Hoarding and Fencing
  • Grounds Maintenance and more!

Trustworthy. Locally-Owned and Experienced.

When you call AP Maintenance Ltd you can be confident knowing you are working with a professional company who has your business as their first priority.

Our team will arrive on time in a clearly marked, fully-equipped van and perform workmanship that is guaranteed.

We will finish the job on time and always do it right.

Contact us now!

Property Management in Maidenhead Berkshire - AP Maintenance Ltd

Get a quote for your facilities management
or property maintenance today

Call 01628 613760 Today Request a Free Estimate

Our Services

Building Repairs

Building Services

Carpentry & Joinery

CCTV Systems


Cleaning Services

Door Services

Electrical Work

Exterior Maintenance

Floors & Flooring

Furniture Assembly

General Maintenance

Heating & Air Conditioning

Hoarding & Fencing


Painting & Decorating


Property Remodelling

Safety & Mobility
