Emergency Light Testing of All Components, Including Switches, Batteries, Luminaries and Control Equipment
Emergency Light Testing
As an employer or property owner it is your responsibility to ensure that you do as much as possible to safe guard the people who use or access your business, commercial property or rented homes. Emergency Light Testing is an essential part of ensuring the safety of anyone in your properties or business.
As part of your responsibility you need to ensure, where required that your Emergency Lighting Systems are working and functioning correctly and that Emergency Light Testing has been completed and recorded correctly as per The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
You need to be able to rely on your Emergency Lighting to lead staff and visitors to safety in the event of a crisis.
AP Maintenance Ltd, as part of their Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) Services, will keep your lighting systems in full working order by thorough Emergency Light Testing of all components, including switches, batteries, luminaries and control equipment.
Effective business management includes taking responsibility for the Health and Safety of those people who enter your properties, knowing the law and acting on it – our professional service will help you, ensuring that the Emergency Lighting is always operational to guide people to exits in a power outage.
Your Legal Obligations
Under the British Standards code 5266, a qualified technician needs to carry out the testing and certification of your Emergency Lighting and Emergency Light Testing.
A risk assessment will make sure all lights meet legal guidelines on correct positioning, effectively guide people to a safe escape route and have a suitable duration of battery back-up.
The recommendation is that you have the lighting tested at least twice a year. Regular maintenance will minimise risk of fatalities in an emergency, helping to keep your business safe and compliant.
Prioritise safety and security and tick the correct legal boxes by sorting your business’s Emergency Lighting Maintenance today.
Other Planned Preventative Maintenance
AP Maintenance Ltd are here to take care of your business and ensure that everything keeps running smoothly. Our Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) services will maintain your business and keep you on the right side of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.
We also conduct Fire Alarm Testing and L8 and Water Testing Services to keep your business operating smoothly.
Get in touch on 01628 613760 today, complete our enquiry form or request a service.